Is AI the smartest?

Before further discussion, we need to understand how AI works. I don't want to make it complicated. There are 8 billion humans living in this world. Currently, 144 zettabytes of data are created every year in this digital universe, which means that 1.7 megabytes of data are generated every second per person. That's a lot of data! According to an article published in Scientific American, it has been confirmed that the memory capacity of the human brain is equivalent to an astonishing 2.5 petabytes. But when it comes to comparing it with artificial intelligence, are we smarter than AI? We can draw conclusions about that later. For now, let's explore how AI actually works with this abundance of data. Humans have certain limitations in processing data, whereas AI has the capability to process data according to our needs. Algorithms help AI process and simplify the data that a human might find challenging. This raises the question 

Does we are smarter than AI ?

Technically, AI appears smarter than humans, but yeah, it doesn't create anything creative. The data provided to artificial intelligence is something that humans have created. The AI simply manipulates the data according to the requirements. 

Ai is smartest but AI is using data of smartest people around the world 🌎 

- content generated by AI 
Hoo noo just kidding..😂



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